Enjoy the Benefits of Our Affordable, Engaging Display Stand

Pop-up Fabric Walls

- Setup Time: around 10mins
- Graphic Material: Fabric
- Widths Available: 787mm to 4469mm
- Height Available: 1524mm to 2260mm (We can custom made any sizes that you want for Straight models)
Price includes:
- 1 set of frame
- 1 x fabric graphic
- 1 x carry bag
- 2 x halogen lights
Option 1: Curved Models
Option 2: Straight Models
Do you need a display stand to decorate the exhibition booth you are setting up at a shopping centre, trade show or expo hall? Then check out our custom pop up fabric walls. Our fabric walls are the best portable display stands in the market today. They are attractive and available in different sizes. They are practical and set up easily. They allow you to become more flexible in designing the layout of your booth. Most of all, they come at an affordable price and will save you money in the long run.
Attractive and Available in Different Sizes
Our fabric walls are eye candies. They will give your exhibition stand a smart, professional appearance. Each media wall we offer consists of a frame and a fabric graphic. The frame has a silver finish and can be straight or curved. These frames are available in the following sizes:
Model: 3×1 Straight Pop-Up Fabric Wall
Dimensions: 787mm/W x 330mm/D x 2260mm/H
Model: 3×2 Straight Pop-Up Fabric Wall
Dimensions: 1524mm/W x 330mm/D x 2260mm/H
Model: 3×3 Straight Pop-Up Fabric Wall
Dimensions: 2260mm/W x 330mm/D x 2260mm/H
Model: 3×4 Straight Pop-Up Fabric Wall
Dimensions: 2997mm/W x 330mm/D x 2260mm/H
Model: 3×5 Straight Pop-Up Fabric Wall
Dimensions: 3733mm/W x 330mm/D x 2260mm/H
Model: 3×6 Straight Pop-Up Fabric Wall
Dimensions: 4469mm/W x 330mm/D x 2260mm/H
Model: 2×3 Straight Pop-Up Fabric Wall
Dimensions: 2260mm/W x 330mm/D x 1524mm/H
Model: 2×4 Straight Pop-Up Fabric Wall
Dimensions: 2297mm/W x 330mm/D x 1524mm/H
Model: 2×5 Straight Pop-Up Fabric Wall
Dimensions: 3733mm/W x 330mm/D x 1524mm/H
Model: 2×6 Straight Pop-Up Fabric Wall
Dimensions: 4469mm/W x 330mm/D x 1524mm/H
Model: 3×3 Curved Pop-Up Fabric Wall
Dimensions: 2300mm/W x 2260mm/H
Model: 3×4 Curved Pop-Up Fabric Wall
Dimensions: 2900mm/W x 2260mm/H
Model: 2×3 Curved Pop-Up Fabric Wall
Dimensions: 2300mm/W x 1524mm/H
Model: 2×4 Curved Pop-Up Fabric Wall
Dimensions: 2900mm/W x 1524mm/H The fabric graphic is fitted with Velcro strips so they attach easily to the frame. It is rendered in full colour and is available as a single-sided or a double-sided display. Most customers prefer double-sided displays to maximise the visual impact of their exhibition stands.
Practical and Sets Up Easily
Our fabric walls are packed in their own convenient carry bags. They don’t take a lot of effort to install. Moreover, you can set them up in five minutes or less.
Setting up these media walls requires only four simple steps:
- Take the frame and fabric graphic out of its carry bag.
- Pop up the frame so it stands to its full height and width.
- Stabilise the frame by fastening the hooks behind it and letting out its legs.
- Attach the fabric graphic to the frame using Velcro strips.
Once you are done with your displays, you only need to remove the fabric graphic, collapse the frame, and then stash it back inside the carry bag. The filled carry bag is lightweight and easy to transport from place to place. You can also store it away without any fuss.
Gives You Room to Be Flexible
Your space is limited when you are setting up your exhibition booth. Thus, you need to be creative and flexible when deciding on the layout of your booth so you can make the most of your limited space. Using our fabric wall as your display stand allows you to combine different kinds of displays. You can also order optional add-ons to enhance the look of your booth, such as tabletop counters and halogen spotlights. Thus, you get to have more control over the appearance of your booth.
Affordable and Cost-Effective
The best advantage you will get from using our fabric walls is you get to save money. Our custom pop up walls all come at affordable prices. You will have great-looking displays that fit your budget. Even more, you can reuse these displays. You simply store them away and then take them out whenever you need them. If you need different graphics, you only have to order new fabric graphics to replace the current ones. There won’t be any need for you to buy new frames. There are plenty of benefits you can enjoy from using our fabric walls as a display stand. They are attractive. They are available in different sizes. They take no time to set up. They let you be more flexible when it comes to decorating your booth. And they are money-savers.
Call us for more information about our fabric walls today.
Pop-Up Fabric Wall Details:
- Setup Time: 5 Minutes
- Graphic Material: Full-colour Fabric
- Can be single-sided or double-sided
- Widths Available: 787mm to 4469mm
- Heights Available: 1524mm to 2260mm
Price Includes:
- 1 frame
- 1 fabric graphic
- 1 carry bag
- Set of 2 halogen lights
Setup Instructions

Remove frame and graphic from bag.

Ensure “adjustable knobs” of frame are on the floor. Pull up display into upright position.

Lock all hooks between front and back hubs.

Adjust leveling knobs for desired angle. OneFabric™ display can now be moved easily into position.

OPTIONAL: Attach lights to top of frame by sliding the plastic X Blocks under the frames cross sections.

WARNING! DO NOT FORCE CLOSED.To avoid damage, all hooks must be disconnected before collapsing frame.
Coming soon
Coming soon
Contact Details
We appreciate your interest in SK Displays. You can complete the inquiry form below to request more information or you can simply send us an e-mail to info@skdisplaysbanners.com.au or call us directly at (02) 9432 7840 to ask for assistance.